Utility Bill Assistance



Questar energy bill assistance programs

Low income, the elderly, disabled, and other struggling families can receive utility and heating bill assistance from Questar. Information on each program is below, as well as the phone numbers of who to call to apply and for more information.

The first option is Catholic Community Services (Utah). This an assistance program that helps low to moderate income families and individuals pay their utility bills. The utility service must be on and not disconnected, and the customer must have applied for the HEAT program first as indicated below. They need to have applied during the HEAT season, which runs from November - March. The Catholic Community Services program runs from January through  September of each and every year until funds are exhausted. Customers may schedule an appointment to apply, or can call 801-977-9119 to also learn more.

Reach Program - This resources is funded by voluntary contributions from local businesses, residents, utility employees, charities and stockholders, and the Reach program assists qualified low-income individuals with paying for their energy and utility bills. Some of the criteria include the applicants must be at least 65 years old and/or disabled and handicapped. The Reach program  is a year-round assistance program, however like many options it is only open as program funding permits or allows. Customers of the Reach program must also have applied for assistance through the state of Utahs H.E.A.T. program before applying for aid from REACH. Additional REACH information and applications are available at local Red Cross offices throughout the state of Utah. For appointments on the program or to learn more information, contact the chapter nearest you. Dial 800-328-9272 to learn more, or click here.

Receive help during the winter from H.E.A.T. This is a federal government funded assistance program that helps qualified low to moderate income individuals pay their wintertime heating, gas and utility bills. The program runs November through March or until government funds and other assistance are exhausted. Customers who need help during this time frame may receive an application from any Utah Department of Human Services or a designated government energy office. Dial 866-205-HELP (4357)

The federal government weatherization program helps qualified elderly, disabled and low-income persons make their homes more energy efficient, helps them conserve energy, and save money on their energy bills  The Weatherization Assistance program is a federally government funded program that is managed by the Utah Department of Community & Economic Development. Total household income requirements are basically the same as those of the HEAT program which are indicated above. Please contact your local Utah HEAT office above for assistance or to apply for the weatherization program.




By: Jon McNamara


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