Utility Bill Assistance



Allegheny Power Community Energy Fund utility bill assistance

When all else fails, and customers can't get any other energy bill assistance, then Allegheny Power Community Energy Fund (CEF) may be able to assist. The program provides help to low income customers that are out of LIHEAP grants (or do not qualify), and that can't get any additional help from a non-profit. In these cases donations from Allegheny Power Community Energy Fund may be able to help keep the electricity on.

This program is exactly as the name implies; it is funded by donations and that money is then used to help struggling customers in the local service territory. 100% of the money contributed goes to help the less fortunate with their utility bills. While it will never be a solution in itself, the funds can help keep the heat or electricity on for a short period of time.


This assistance is only for low to moderate income customers. In some cases Allegheny Power Community Energy Fund can help in a crisis, such as if someone is sick, a spouse has died, or other exceptional reasons. In addition, the aid is one time per year only (at most), and there are no guarantees to receiving utility bill assistance.

With that being said, if and when the program helps, the funds are limited. It should not be relied on as a crutch. The program will only pay a portion of a bill for a limited time frame. This is mostly due to the fact the it is a donation service. It is not the same as some government benefit program in which the assistance can last for an extended period of time.

When applying for funds from Allegheny Power Community Energy Fund, bring proof of income, residency, as well as copies of old utility statements. There is a formal application process in place, often with a local social service agency. In some cases the applicant will also need to go through an interview process before any money is given out for utility bills.






Allegheny Power Community Energy Fund can assist with multiple utilities. The funds can pay for heating electric, or gas costs. The customer is not given any cash but the funds are applied directly to the account. So all utility bills can be covered by the service.


As noted, the program relies on contributions from the community. There are individuals that donate small dollar amounts (even cents) to Allegheny Power. Other funds can come from local non-profits, businesses, and fund raisers that are held in the community. There are even funds from churches, charities, and groups such as boy or girl scouts.

At the end of the year, the donor can often get a tax deduction. But they should confirm this with their tax software, accountant, or service that does the filing. In addition, the Allegheny Power Community Energy Fund process will provide a statement showing how much was contributed.

As noted, 100% of the money goes to paying utility bills. This will help alleviate any fears that potential donors may have of fraud. For more information on this entire Allegheny Power Community Energy Fund program (either for donating or applying), dial 1-800-255-3443.



By: Jon McNamara


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