Utility Bill Assistance



Mon Power Dollar Energy utility assistance

There are options available for paying utility bills in a crisis, and the contributions made to Mon Power Dollar Energy is but one option. The company receives donations from the general public, including individuals and businesses, and all of the money is used to help certain customers pay their utilities.

There are contributions from the public which are used to provide this service. Funds can be donated in a variety of ways, including on a recurring as well as one time basis. There are also donations made by employees of the company and Mon Power also has a Trustee service which will often match those donations. No matter the source or who contributes, additional contributions are always appreciated and will be used wisely.

In general, there are thousands of dollars raised each year in the community. This is then used to help income qualified customers of Mon Power with postponing or maybe completely negating a chance of a disconnection. Dollar Energy of West Virginia can provide funds to assist with utility and/or heating bills.

Donations are accepted in many different ways. They include one time or recurring contributions. Local non-profit agencies in the community, or  the customer service representatives from the company can provide more details. There are no long term commitments so if someone does donate to Mon Power Dollar Energy they can stop it at any time.

The customer that contributes will be given a deduction on their state of West Virginia as well as federal government taxes. Mon Power will give them an annual statement for filing purposes so they have the backup for the IRS if it is needed. Not only that, but the donor will also have the knowledge that they have helped a less fortunate “neighbor” in the their community that was facing a hardship.

Uses of Mon Power Dollar Energy funds

Some customers will confuse this program with other, long term solutions such as LIHEAP. Note that this program is not for that purpose. Mon Power Dollar Energy is for a short term crisis. There are only small dollar amounts available to pay utility bills since it does rely on donations.






One advantage of the program is it can be combined with those other federal resources or charity aid. Or it will not prevent the household from receiving utility bill assistance from another source. So in effect Dollar Energy is independent from other local resources.

Mon Power Dollar Energy is targeted at certain customers and situations. This is for senior citizens or the disabled in the community. It can also help keep the electricity on for a household faced with a medical emergency. So this is more of a crisis program or the most vulnerable in the community.

Donations are limited, as is the number of people that can be helped. Mon Power will only pay for a portion of a bill as well, so applicants need to either pay the balance on their own or look for additional assistance. For details, call 1-800-686-0022.