Utility Bill Assistance



San Diego Gas and Electric Neighbor to Neighbor utility assistance

One of the more effective solutions for paying utility bills is the San Diego Gas and Electric Neighbor to Neighbor program. This is available if and when every other option available to the customer has either been used or is no longer available to them. What this means is that the donation based program can assist with paying utility bills, buy only in a few select situations.

Donate money to it, apply for financial help from it, or volunteer to help social service agencies administer it. There are many parts to the program as it is a diverse service. It gives many different people either a way to get the short term utility bill assistance they need or to give back to the community. After all, those are the two main reasons that it was created.

Pros and cons of San Diego Gas and Electric Neighbor to Neighbor

As noted, the program is wide ranging. So depending on what exactly the customer involvement with it is, that will determine the pros or cons of it. There is more information below on some of the highlights to this service, and they are as follows.

First, the donations. Two of the major pros of this is that 100% of the money goes to the actual Neighbor to Neighbor program itself. This means that all of the contributions go to paying energy as well as heating bills. No money is used for program expenses.

Another obvious pro is that it allows individuals to give back to the less fortunate in their community. So their donation goes to help someone who is struggling over a short period of time. It may give them the “space” they need to get back on track with their utility bills. A third pro, while not as critical as it only applies to those who contribute, is that their donation is 100% tax deductible. So the net cost to the donor will not be as high.





The other section of pros and cons is for those that apply for financial aid from San Diego Gas and Electric Neighbor to Neighbor. Of course not everyone will be accepted into the program, but for those who are, the funds from it can help with paying some of any energy bills that they have in arrears. More detailed information is below.

First is a pro. Of course this will be the fact that the company is trying to help. Not only is the company helping, but generous members of the community are also assisting by donating to it. So the pro is that there is some form of relief of there.

One of the cons (if someone really wants to call it that) is the funds are limited. Of course any dollar paid out for utility bills is better than zero. So in all honesty, if someone were to consider it a true con this means that in effect they are really entitled. As they should really be grateful for any dollar amount available to them...no matter how much or how little.

Another downside of the program is that there must be assistance received from other programs first. So the customer needs to have benefited for energy bill help from LIHEAP, they need to have used local charities, and also applied for other financial help too. If they used weatherization this can also help in their application. So, as noted, San Diego Gas and Electric Neighbor to Neighbor is a very last resort when it comes to paying energy bills.

For more information on the San Diego Gas and Electric Neighbor to Neighbor service, both around donations and applications, dial 211. Customer service staff will provide details.


By: Jon McNamara



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